Instructor: Amy Schaffer
Community: Therapy Setting, 30 minutes
Plan Creation Date: November 1, 2015
Yoga Calm Principle/Lesson Goal: Strength
Lesson Plan:
- Belly Breaths – with Hoberman Sphere – Standing – First lead by instructor then student lead
- Compliments – activity for the student who lead the belly breaths
- Wood Chopper – Include setting an intention – whatever the opposite is of your intention, imagine chopping it up with each “huh”
- Upward Mountain
- Star – Expand out from the center of the body
- Warrior 2 – Turn left foot in slightly to the right and your right food all the way out to the right
- Past, Present, Future – Exploring the strength we used in the past and the strength we will need in the future while playing close attention to the strength we are using right now.
- Warrior 2 – other side
- Past, Present, Future – Reflecting on a person who has been there for us in the past when things have been difficult, using a small stone to represent this person and strength will always be there with us even into the future
- Forward Bend – Bending at the hips and using the strength of our breath to deepen the bend and stretch
- Plank – Reflecting on the strength through our mid-section and shoulders supporting us – Imagine imitating the strength of a wooden beam used to build a large structure
- Child’s Pose – Kneel to the floor and sit back onto your heels – Let your head be heavy and breath into your back and let it puff up like a parachute – Imagine this pose is a time for us to take a break and recharge our strength
- Cat/Cow – Using the strength of your breath to fill your back as you move into cow
- Downward Dog – Including heel presses – Alternate going from downward dog to plank and back, focusing on the strength we use to make a successful transition while keeping belly, head and hart lifting up.
- Forward Bend – Walk hands back to feel to come into Forward Bend
- Mountain – Hands to heart
- Volcano Breaths – Standing – With heart thoughts – think of how you would like to feel today, and as you exhale spread that feeling around you
- Relaxation – Lying down – Ready…Set…R.E.L.A.X. story page 96 “hidden heroes” or page 136 “One of a Kind”