Instructor: Jeanine Long
Community: Grades 4-5, Boys with anger issues, Classroom Setting?, 30 minutes
Plan Creation Date: July 9, 2013
Yoga Calm Principle/Lesson Goal: Stillness
Props/Music/Resources Required: Hoberman sphere
Lesson Plan:
Calm – 10 min.
- Belly Breathing – with the Hoberman Sphere – Invite boys to lie on their backs, stand, or sit in a chair with their hands on their belly. Breathe into your belly making your hands go up and down with the breath. You have control over your breathing. Encourage them to take 10 deep breaths breathing like waves in the ocean.
- Pulse count – for 15 seconds – You have the power to create peace within yourself.
Activate – 20 min.
- Volcano Breath – Use your breath to get release what is making you angry. You have the power to create peace within yourself.
- Downward Dog – Spread your fingers and press out through the fingertips and the four corners of your hand. Trust you will be able to support yourself.
- Tree – Stand strong and still as if you are a large tree. Root to the earth. From there, grow your roots. Feel the beauty and calm surrounding the tree.
- Eagle – Stand in your strength. From there, imagine yourself in control, powerful and strong.
- Forward Bend – Listen to your body. Quiet your mind and your body. (Repeat 3X)
Calm – 5 min.
- Relaxation – Tell the boys to close their eyes, lie on their stomachs or backs. Slow your breathing. Take a 30 minute vacation. Go to a place where you can feel stillness and see beauty. At the end of the 30 seconds allow opportunity for the boys to share where they went and how it felt to be there.
- Pulse Count – End with pulse count for 15 seconds