Instructor: Tiffany Johnson
Community: Grades 3-8, School Setting, 60 minutes
Plan Creation Date: May 1, 2016
Yoga Calm Principle/Lesson Goal: Strength
Lesson Plan:
- Chime – give me five. Ring the chime. Instruct the students to put up their hand (like a high-five) once they no longer hear the sound.
- Trace Hand Breaths – five deep breaths. Lead the first two breaths. Last three on their own.
- Mountain – What do we know to be true about mountain? (Strong, tall, etc.) Encourage students to be strong and tall, with a wide base firmly planted in the ground.
- Chair
- Forward Fold – Let go of any self-doubt, negative self-talk, etc.
- Warrior – (right leg) – Be strong. Protect what is right. Activate your core.
- Chair Dog – release
- Warrior – (left leg) – Imagine yourself encouraging others. Strong people build others up…they do not tear them down.
- Chair Dog
- Chair Forward Fold – forgive yourself for any hurtful words you may have said/thought.
- Conflicting Feelings Game – Invite 3 students to the front of the room. One will sit on a chair the other two will stand on either side of that student. (pg. 113)
- Relaxation – Mindful Moments Strength Card: Think of a time when a friend wanted you to do something you knew was wrong. They really wanted you to say yes, and you were afraid of hurting their feelings, but you found a way to say no. How did it feel to stand up to something that didn’t feel right to you?
- Chime – give me five. Ring the chime. Instruct the students to put up their hand (like a high-five) once they no longer hear the sound.
- Trace Hand Breaths – five deep breaths. Lead the first two breaths. Last three on their own. Feel your stomach expand and contract with each new breath.