Instructor: Laura Buske
Community: Grade 2, School Setting, 30 minutes
Plan Creation Date: June 17, 2015
Yoga Calm Principle/Lesson Goal: Strength
Lesson Plan:
- Belly Breathing – Standing – Hands on belly, breath into your belly, so your hands move up and down. Follow the Hoberman Sphere and you breath in and pause, breath out and pause. Repeat 5 times.
- Woodchopper – stand with your feet bigger than hip with apart. Swing your arms up over your head; let me hear your strong breath out as you swing down like you are chopping a piece of wood between your legs. Swing your arms up. Repeat 5 times.
- Upward Mountain – plant your feet to the earth. Raise your arms up to the sky. Step your left leg back and turn your body to the side. Come into star.
- Star – move your feet in a wide stance, plant them into the ground. Breathe in the power and extend your arms out to the sides. Shine out like a bright star. Turn your foot towards the circle.
- Warrior II – Plant your feet to the ground. Bend the knee over the ankle. Raise your arms out like a branch and look into the circle with that power. Turn your foot back to Star. Turn your foot away from the circle. Bend the knee over the ankle. Raise your arms out like a branch and look into the circle with that power.
- Star – Come back to Star. Turn your foot back towards the circle. Step your other leg forward and come to forward bend.
- Forward Bend – bend your body over and touch the earth.
- Downward Dog – Push back to Down dog, making your body bent over.
- Child’s Pose – Push down into Childs Pose – hug your muscles to your bones. Release them.
- Relaxation – Guided relaxation –“At Midday” from: Taming your Dragons.