Instructor: Lynn Hernandez
Community: EL students, School Setting, 50 minutes
Plan Creation Date: June 12, 2013
Yoga Calm Principle/Lesson Goal: Stillness
Target Goal: I can use yoga postures and breathing techniques to quiet my mind and body and to be aware of my ability to be in control and create inner peace.
Resources required: Hoberman sphere, music downloaded on phone or computer, Ground Rules and Positive Self-talk posters
Lesson Plan:
- Intro – Welcome students. Review ground rules and positive self-talk posters. Dim lights and begin music. Have an extra mat up front for those students who come and lead various parts of the lesson.
- Belly Breathing (pg 63) -Using the Hoberman Sphere, breathe in and out through your nose. Place your hands on your belly and breathe into it so your hands move in and out with your belly. Clear you mind of all thoughts and listen to your breath. (volunteer can be called on to lead this portion.)
- Read mindful moment card – Take the next minute to listen to your breath. See if you can follow your breath as it moves in and out of your body. Imagine your favorite color and picture yourself breathing that color in and out. What does that color mean to you?
- Pulse count (pg 83) – Find your pulse, and notice its rhythm.
- Compliments – Before moving into the following activities, invite others to compliment the volunteer who came to the front. Model if necessary.
- Child’s pose (pg 70) – Move into this pose. Relax your neck, hips, and back. Let your head be heavy.
- Cat/Cow pose (pg 68) – From Child’s pose, move into this pose. Align hands under shoulders and knees under hips. Remind students about spreading fingers and pressing out through the fingertips and four corners of the hand. Breathe out as the back is rounded like a cat. Breathe in when lifting head and collarbones and sinking belly like a cow. Repeat 3-4 times.
- Downward Dog (pg 74) – Move into this pose, making sure to spread fingers out like rays of the sun. Press down through the fingertips and palm knuckles to help keep the weight off of the wrists. Breathe deeply and think of your favorite color again. Invite that color in as you breathe in and out.
- Forward bend pose (pg 76) – Step to the front of the mat in a forward bend and let your arms and head hang. Breathe into your back. Come up and place hands to heart.
- Eagle pose (pg 75) – Focus on something not moving. Swing arms and hook left elbow under right elbow in front of your heart. Try and place palms together with thumbs pointing toward your nose. Bend your knees and cross your left leg over your right knee. If you are able, unfold your “wings” and spread them out to the side. Unwind your left leg and stretch it back. Imagine yourself flying over a mountain. Notice how quiet and still it is as you glide high above the top of the mountain. Repeat with other side.
- Back Drawing – Social Emotional Activities – Sit in circles of about ten students. Turn to the right and sit cross-legged so everyone is facing the back of the person in front of them. Go through a series of drawing activities, having students draw the picture described on the back of the person in front of them. Make gentle rain – Rain all the way down their back – Light thunder – Draw large bolts of lightning – Big puffy clouds – Sweep the clouds away – Draw the sun with its rays – Draw a flower – Stop the activity and have each person think of something they will have their group draw. Go around each circle, having each student describe something to draw on each other’s back. End with the teacher. End with everyone drawing a gift or secret message on the other person’s back. Whisper into the person’s ear what the gift or message is.
- Discussion – Ask students to share the gift or secret message they received if they want. What did they like about this activity? Did this help them relax and trust another person? How?
- Relaxation – Begin by using the Hoberman Sphere again, going through the breathing activity above while students are lying on their backs. Changing Channels – Guide students through “Changing Channels” (pg108). Think about a color that makes you feel calm. It might be the favorite color that you thought about earlier, or it might be a different color. Picture yourself lying down, covered in a blanket of this color. Now, change the channel in your head, and picture yourself sitting in a chair that is made out of material in this calming color. Picture yourself drinking a cup of warm cocoa, silently sipping. Imagine the sweet, chocolate smell. Change the channel. Picture yourself in a field of flowers that are all the same color. Then are the color that makes you feel calm. Imagine picking a big bouquet of these flowers. Change the channel. Picture giving these flowers to a special person. Who is that person? Where are you? How do you feel giving this gift to someone you care about? Come out of the pose by wiggling your fingers and toes and moving your head from side to side. Roll over on your right side. Then, gently use your hands and arms to push up in a seated position, facing the front.
- Sharing – Ask students to share the color that helps them stay calm. Is it different than their favorite color? When might it help to picture this color?