Instructor: Tracy Cielto
Community: All Ages, 60 minutes
Plan Creation Date: October 29, 2015
Yoga Calm Principle/Lesson Goal: Listening
Academic/Therapeutic/Other Goals: Listen to the messages that comes from our hearts, minds, and bodies.
Props/Music Resources Required: Chime and Happiness worksheet
Lesson Plan:
- Students are seated cross-legged in a circle on the floor.
- Chime – Sounding a chime once to center the students ..asking them to give thumbs-up once they can no longer hear the chime. One student sounding the chime. asking the students to scan their bodies. listening.
- Belly Breathing – with Hoberman Sphere: 8 Breaths – One student leading with Hoberman Sphere and gives one deep breath and passes it along to the other students – listening to one another’s breath.
- Pulse Count
- Pinwheel Breath – moving to slow steady music, then fast, then back to slow
- Pulse Count
- Child
- Active /Relax Walk – with Mountain Pose
- Warrior I & II
- Forward Bend
- Happiness Recipe – Fill out worksheet
- Students lie on their backs with eyes closed.
- Progressive Relaxation