Instructor: Amy Schaffer
Community: Therapy Setting, 30 minutes
Plan Creation Date: November 1, 2015
Yoga Calm Principle/Lesson Goal: Listening
Lesson Plan:
- Belly Breaths – with Hoberman Sphere – First lead by instructor then student lead
- Compliments – activity for the student who lead the belly breaths
- Pulse Counts
- Mountain – Think about activating your muscles as you pull them in tight towards the center of our body – “hugging into” our center – Stop and be silent – what does a mountain hear?
- Chair
- Upward Mountain – Mini backbend and bring hands down to the heart
- Star – Expand out from the center of the body – connecting away from the center line of our body
- Warrior 2 (right side) – Turning your right foot all the way to the right, breath in and lift arms up parallel to the floor, palms facing down, exhale and bend right knee until it is right over the ankle, not tipping to either side your shin should be straight up and down. What do warriors listen to? Flipping right hand up and transitioning into Rising Moon – Imagine the biggest, brightest, quietest moon you have ever seen – be that moon
- Side Angle – Bringing your right arm down and lightly resting right elbow on right knee
- Triangle – Straighten right leg and extending the right arm down to shin, ankle or yoga block – stretch your left arm toward the ceiling
- Star – Shift upper body to the left and “windmill” your arms until they are parallel to the ground and turn your right foot forward. Expand out from the center of the body
- Warrior 2 (left side) – Turning your left foot all the way to the left, breath in and lift arms up parallel to the floor, palms facing down, exhale and bend left knee until it is right over the ankle, not tipping to either side your shin should be straight up and down. What do warriors tell themselves? “I am strong” – Flipping left hand up and transitioning into Rising Moon – Imagine the biggest, brightest, quietest moon you have ever seen – be that moon
- Side Angle – Bringing your left arm down and lightly resting right elbow on left knee
- Triangle – Straighten left leg and extending the left arm down to shin, ankle or yoga block – stretch your right arm toward the ceiling
- Mountain – “Hugging into” our center
- Forward Bend – Bend at the hips and hang arms, head and spine toward the floor like a rag doll
- Plank – From forward bend, plant hands on the ground in front of you with all four corners of your palm, bending at the knees if you can not reach, straightening legs to the back of the mat
- Cobra – From plank, bringing hips and legs down the mat, lift your chest and shine your heart forward – Imagine you are wearing antlers on your head – Pausing again to stop and think what does a cobra sound like?
- Child Pose – Kneel to the floor and sit back onto your heels – Let your head be heavy and breath into your back and let it puff up like a parachute
- Repeat Sequence
- Seated Volcano Breaths – hearing the heart thoughts others are sending you
- Changing Channels Relaxation – pg. 108 in green Yoga Calm Book