Instructor: Kristin Wittmayer
Community: School Ages (for a child with a high engine), 30 minutes
Plan Creation Date: April 22, 2015
Yoga Calm Principle/Lesson Goal: Stillness
Lesson Plan:
- Game – Begin more active with “shake” game while then transitioning to mats for calm.
- Belly Breathing – Breathing with use of drum or metronome.
- Environment – Dim lights, close blinds, reduce extraneous noise.
- Woodchopper – Mountain pose with wood chopper to release energy x 4-5 reps.
- Roots – Mountain pose with “roots”.
- Yoga-Based Movement – Mountain→ forward fold → down dog →child’s pose → down dog → forward fold → mountain. Repeat this section x 2-3 repetitions.
- Back Breathing – In child’s pose, place weighted item on back (or therapist/parent hands as tolerated) for back breathing/diaphragmatic breathing. Pressure touch can be very calming and organizing.