Instructor: Abby Bracke

Community: ???

Plan Creation Date: July 15, 2011

Yoga Calm Principle/Lesson Goal: Strength — To help students improve their self-esteem by focusing on embracing all parts of themselves.

Setting the tone/creating a therapeutic environment: I will turn off the overhead lights and have the room lit by the natural light of the window. I will put soothing music on the classroom speaker system. I will place a sign on the door that states “Yoga Calm in progress. Please do not disturb.” I will place a pencil and notecard at each mat to use in a written reflection.

Lesson Plan:

Opening remarks: “Today we will work on building your physical and emotional strength. You will have a chance to reflect on all parts of yourself.

Breath Work: Belly breathing with Hoberman Sphere (student-led) for eight breaths.

Pulse Count — “Feel the strength of your heart as it pumps blood all throughout your body. This is something you don’t have to learn, your body knows exactly what it needs to do.”

Book or curriculum idea used:   Read the story I Like Myself! by Karen Beaumont.

Introduce the concept of positive self-esteem and the idea that building our physical and emotional strength can lead to improved self-esteem.

Yoga-Based Activities:

Table — “Feel the strength in your arms as they support your body.”

Cat/Cow — “As you match your movement to your breath, start to reflect on your strengths. As you inhale and look up to the ceiling, think of a few things others tell you that you do well. When you exhale and look to your heart, think of a few things you feel are your strengths.”

Downward Dog — “What similarities are there in the strengths you see in yourself and the strengths others see in you?”

Plank — “Hold this pose for three breaths and feel the strength of your arms.”

Child’s Pose — “Reflect on your level of positive self-esteem. The girl in our story today liked ALL parts of herself, even her knobby knees and purple polka-dotted lips. Can you accept all parts of yourself? What parts of yourself need more of your compassion? The moment we embrace all parts of ourselves—the silly, the sad, the happy, the angry, that is the moment we are free.”

Social Emotional Activities: After Child’s pose, have students sit back on their heels and write down parts of themselves that need more of their compassion. Provide opportunity to share. 

Yoga-Based Activities:

Bridge — “Lift your heart to the ceiling. Believe in yourself and know that you can improve your self-esteem.”

Boat — “Feel the strength in your abdominal muscles holding you up.”

Rock and Roll — “Massage your back as you rock forward and back. Enjoy this feeling.”

Mountain — “Hug your leg muscles to the bone. Make your arms straight and strong by your sides. Stretch your head and heart toward the sky.”

Warrior I — “Being strong in your body will help you be strong in your emotions.”

Warrior III — “Your are a bird soaring high above the ground. You feel so free!”

Forward Bend — “Allow your arm and neck muscles to relax and just hang. Let the blood drain into your brain, helping you to feel positive about yourself.”


Floor Twist — “Lying on your back, draw your knees into your chest, then let them fall to your left side. While you take four breaths, remember the parts of yourself that you like, those things about yourself that you and others see as strengths. Draw your knees back to the center and let them fall to your right side. As you take four more breaths, remember the parts of yourself that need more of your compassion.”

Relaxation Pose & Progressive Muscle Relaxation — Use the strength of contracted muscles to allow those same muscles to relax.

Fetal Pose — “Slowly roll to your right side and begin to breathe more deeply. Take two more breaths. Remember to be kind to yourself. Love all of your parts. Focus on being yourself, because everyone else is taken.”

“Slowly work yourself up to a sitted position. Pick up your notecard and read again what you wrote down. Practice every day being compassionate to yourself. I want to thank you for working your on physical and emotional strength today. Your strength will help you have Peaceful Thoughts, Peaceful Words, and Peaceful Actions.”

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