Instructor: Tracy Cohen
Community: High School Special Education
Plan Creation Date: April 25, 2012
Yoga Calm Principle/Lesson Goal: Stillness
Lesson Plan:
- Child’s Pose: Go inside and focus on the stillness in your center. Feel yourself relax around that center. Feel your back expand and contract as you breathe in and out.
- Belly breathing with the Hoberman Sphere (10 breaths)
- Pulse Count (15 seconds): Keep mind focused on pulse for 15 seconds.
- Come to standing focusing on listening to your body as you gently change levels.
- Mountain: Hold in your mind the image of a glorious strong mountain (Mt. Hood). Think of how all the activities of people leave the mountain unchanged, gleaming in the sun.
- Sun salutation: Twice through; teacher leads the first one, student-volunteer for second. Feel your stillness in each pause. Remember to relax to your fullest extent in each pose.
- Dancer: Let your center stillness be your strength.
- Tree: Imagine the tree in front of our school. (Describe the thick trunk, branches covered in moss. How still must something be for moss to grow on it?)
- Child’s Pose and partner or back breathing. Feel your back expand and contract as you breathe in and out.
- Guided Relaxation: Mountain hike through cool, shady woods on a cushioned forest path to a shining blue, cool, still mountain lake.