Instructor: Tracy Cohen

Community: High School Special Education

Plan Creation Date: April 25, 2012

Yoga Calm Principle/Lesson Goal: Listening

Lesson Plan:


  • Belly breathing: One to five minutes. Tune in to what is in your heart, body and mind.
  • Volcano Breath: Go inside and focus on listening to your own calm voice.


Mat 20

  • Rock and roll up to boat. What does your body say to you today? How long can you hold your boat?
  • Boat: Listen to the voice of your inner strength.
  • Mountain: Express the strong voice inside of you as we move through the strength portion of class.
  • Sun salutation twice through; teacher leads the first one, student-volunteer for second, listening and being responsible to yourself as we move through each pose.
  • Star: Feel your muscles activate while listening to your heart song.
  • Warrior 1: Find the voice inside of you that will lead to health and happiness.


  • Pulse count (come to a seated position): Listen to the rhythm of your heart.
  • Rolling waves relaxation (Ready, Set, R.E.L.A.X.)

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