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Instructor: Rebecca Beese
Community: High School Ages, Adolescent Psychiatry Unit, 45-60 minutes
Plan Creation Date: March 19, 2015
Yoga Calm Principle/Lesson Goal: Strength
Lesson Plan:
- Chime – x2 – Thumbs up when you can’t hear the second chime.
- Belly Breathing – 5-10 breaths.
- Introduce Strength – What are the different ways that we can be strong? Body, mind, emotions. Can use yoga as a tool to create a strong body, mind, and emotions.
- Set an Intention related to Strength – it can even be the word strength if that is speaking to you today.
- Side Stretch – while sitting.
- Gentle Seated Twist – feeling the strength of from your center helping to open and turn your body.
- Volcano Breath – releasing anything you need to let go of – thoughts, feelings or beliefs that are draining your strength.
- Arm Swings – breathing in anything you need to take in to help you feel strong. Person, place, intention.
- Mountain – Find the strength of your body. Hug muscles to the bones. Strength test with feet together versus strong mountain pose.
- Mountain to Mountain – with chair pose – x3-4. Holding chair progressively longer to feel their strength. (Could add a side plank after plank pose within the sequence for an extra strength challenge).
- Star – activate your body.
- Warrior 2 – holding for 20 count to feel strength.
- Eagle Pose – Feel your strong body holding you in balance.
- Boat Pose – x2 – Coming back to intention seeing how long you can hold it for the second time, noticing if it made a difference. (Could also use dolphin here).
- Seated One Leg Extended Twist – noticing if your twist feels any different now than earlier.
- Bridge
- Lying Twist
- Relaxation – Guided Imagery – boat ride, meeting someone who has helped them find their strength in the past.
- Volcano Breath – End with a Volcano Breath to seal in the strong intention.