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Instructor: Rebecca Beese
Community: High School Ages, Adolescent Psychiatry Unit, 45-60 minutes
Plan Creation Date: March 19, 2015
Yoga Calm Principle/Lesson Goal: Stillness
Lesson Plan:
- Lying on your Back
- Chime – x2 – thumbs up when you can’t hear the chime.
- Belly Breathing
- Pulse Count – x2 – first on the pulse, second on the space in between the pulse.
- Knees to Chest
- Rock and Roll to Boat
- Mountain with Roots – finding stillness at center.
- Crescent Moon
- Mountain to Mountain – x3-4 – holding poses (esp down dog and forward bend) to notice what stillness feels like in these poses. Both poses are good for winding down and finding stillness
- Tree – x2 – second round use distraction to see if students can remain still when there is “chaos” going on around them.
- Dancer
- Child’s Pose – allowing student’s to find stillness. Emphasizing breathing into back.
- Seated Twist
- Lying Leg Stretch
- Knees to Chest – gently rock.
- Relaxation – Guided imagery – out in a quiet field. Imagine your lying in the soft grass, listening to the sounds of nature and the stillness in between…Allow for a few minutes of silence and stillness at the end.
- Pulse Count – focusing on the stillness in between beats.
- Volcano Breath – end with a volcano breath.