Instructor: Tiffany Johnson
Community: Grades K-6, School Setting, 30 minutes
Plan Creation Date: May 1, 2016
Yoga Calm Principle/Lesson Goal: Listening
Lesson Plan:
- Belly Breaths – invite two students to lead (up to 5 breaths) – Focus on hearing your breath.
- One Minute of Silence – Ask the students what it means to listen? To truly hear. Ask them to spend the next 30 seconds listening mindfully.
- Chime – Thumbs up when they hear the silence at the end of the sound.
- Mindful Moments Listening Card – Sit quietly and listen to your heart. What does it say today?
- Roots – Have students send roots into the ground from all four corners of their feet and then from their toes.
- Crescent Moon – Slight bend to the right, listening to our bodies. Creating a sky full of beautiful moons. Slight bend to the left. Being open to hear others’ thoughts/opinions and to learn from one another.
- Dancer – (right leg)- activate your core as you reach for the sky
- Dancer – (left leg)
- Roots – Remain planted in the ground. Stand firm with what you believe.
- Chair Twist
- Forward Fold – Listen to your breathing. Letting go of negative thoughts, expectations and/or pressures from others.
- Social/Emotional Game – Name a feeling- ask students to close their eyes and identify where they “feel” that feeling. (listening to our bodies)
- Relaxation – Mindful Moments Listening Card: Take a moment to listen to your body. What is it feeling right now? Is it trying to tell you something? Is it peaceful & content?
- Volcano Breaths – (up to 5)