Instructor: Ilga Paul

Community: Grades K-5, Small group of students with multiple disabilities

Plan Creation Date: July 7, 2010

Yoga Calm Principle/Lesson Goal: Strength

OT Frame of Reference/Goals: Physical development: focusing on strength, balance and trunk rotation, developing an awareness of their body in space

The environment for the yoga activity is an important consideration for this group. A space that is large, such as a gym, can create class management concerns, such as distractibility, difficulty staying in designated area or difficulty in hearing the instructions (gyms can echo). A smaller room also provides ease of using walls as a means to aid in balance. It is also recommended to have mats line the floor, however, mats should not be too thick, as they can impact balance. Another recommendation is to carefully select the group membership: consider similarity of physical abilities/limitations and also willingness of the student to listen, attempt and participate in the class. Establish basic ground rules for appropriate behavior. I have framed participation in the following terms: students are invited to participate, they may choose to watch and activity, but they may not distract another student from their participation.  

Lesson Plan:


Belly Breathing with hands on lower abdomen, to help students feel inhale and exhales, 5-7 breaths.

Pulse Count


  1. Forward Bend. Modifications: sit in chair, knees slightly apart, bend forward, drop head between knees, arms dangle. A small pillow can be placed on thighs, as child leans forward. Student can also stand with back against wall, feet about 12 inches away from wall, complete forward bend with buttocks remaining on wall.
  2. Twist. Modifications: students can sit either in chair or cross-legged on the floor.
  3. Cat/Cow. Modification: sit on floor or in chair, student focuses on rounding and arching back.
  4. Alternate arm/leg kicks. Modification: student can raise only one arm or leg at a time.
  5. Superman. Modification: student can raise only one leg or arm at a time.
  6. Rock and roll. Modification: knees can be bent with feet on the floor, gently rock side to side. Adult can assist student to rock self up to sitting by supporting student at back of neck and at one knee to help keep knees bent, as student gains momentum in rocking, on last rock, adult helps student to sit up.
  7. Boat. Modification: student keeps back on floor, holds on to knees and raises head.
  8. Star. Modification: student can sit on bench or chair, feet apart, weight on heels, arms out horizontally.


Name Toss using Hoberman Sphere. Students can stand, sit in chair or on floor.

Calm and end:

Students lie on back, legs straight or knees bent, hands are on lower abdomen and they complete 7-10 belly breaths. Students lie quietly and listen to a one-minute relaxation that focuses on awareness of the breath, stillness of body. Take a deep breath in, feel it go into the center of your body, slowly exhale, like you are slowly and evenly blowing through a straw. Gently wiggle your toes, feel them relax, gently wiggle your hips, feel them still and sinking into the floor. Take a slow, deep breath in, feel your belly button touch your backbone, exhale again blowing through a straw. Gently wiggle your fingers, feel your arms heavy and sinking into the floor, feel your back and shoulders against the floor, breathe in and blow out slowly through the straw. Slowly roll your head to one side, breathe in and out slowly, roll your head slowly over to the other side, and breathe in and out through your straw. Be still and quiet and think about how you breathe slowly and deeply. Open your eyes, gently wiggle your body and come up to sitting position.

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