Instructor: Patsy Keech
Community: Grades 9 – 10, School Setting, 30 minutes
Plan Creation Date: March 23, 2015
Yoga Calm Principle/Lesson Goal: Grounding
Words: “Be where your feet are”
Lesson Plan:
- Have a student ring the bell of stillness – Close eyes and sit in stillness of the moment – “be where your feet are”.
- Belly Breathing – Ask a student leader to lead the breathing with the Hoberman Sphere. Appoint another student to be the counter.
- Pulse Check
- Mountain Pose – Stand solid and tall in your mountain pose. (Feel your feet grounding into the earth)
- Upward Mountain – Stretch your fingers to the sky – hold you arms up straight.
- Forward Bend – Reach down to feel the ground under your feet
- Bent Knee Lunge – Feel the solid support of your lower body as you lunge forward with your arms in the air.
- Downward Dog – Push your body into a v shape – hands and feet away from each other
- Pulse Check
- Mindful Moment Card – Grounding/ being present
- Discuss – What is the benefit of being present in your day? What is the effect of not – being present? How can staying grounded help you in your daily life?