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Instructor: Donna Markell
Community: Grades 8-12, School Setting, 30-50 minutes
Plan Creation Date: December 26, 2014
Yoga Calm Principle/Lesson Goal: Strength
Lesson Plan:
- Chime – Listening – Strength Inquiry-Think of a time when you felt really strong. What were you doing? Who were you with? How did it feel in your body? What were your thoughts? What was your emotional state like? Can you think of three things you do to make you feel strong and competent? What does your self-talk sound like? (Share- pair share).
- Belly Breathing – with sphere, breathing in your strong thoughts and exhaling anything that interferes with them.
- Upward Mountain and Crescent Moon
- Volcano Breath – Think of the strength you experience when you’re in your mountain pose and when you doing your volcano breath send out the strong energy with each of your volcano breaths (6)
- Star – Through your fingers shoot out the light of the stars. Think of your strength and what energy you would like to radiate out to the world.
- Archetype Game – Share which archetypes were most difficult and which were easiest for you to act out. What strengths do you feel are demonstrated in the different archetypes. Share with the group.
- Woodchopper
- Partner Pull – How did it feel to go from feeling your strength to sharing your strength with a partner?
- Pulse Count
- Guided Imagination Exploration
- Chime