Instructor: Jaclyn Boyd
Community: Grades 6-8 Choir Group, School Setting, 30 minutes
Plan Creation Date: March 21, 2016
Yoga Calm Principle/Lesson Goal: Strength
Lesson Plan:
- Belly Breathing – w/ Hoberman Sphere – student leader and counter – Following student leader keep your hands on your belly and feel the expanse as you inhale and fall.
- Mindful Moment Card – “Imagine yourself in a peaceful setting. Now think of the people in your life who support you as you exhale. Picture all of those people creating a protective circle around you. Who are they? How do they support you?”
- Community Circle Worksheet – Students can share their sheets with others around them.
All activities in a circle:
- Mountain – Find strength and stillness here in Mountain. Notice around the circle, how our community is also strong and still, creating a calm atmosphere ready to support one another.
- Arm Swings – Positive self-talk, modified for group: “We are strong. We are in control. We can do it.”
- Shoulder Clock – Remember it is your job to cooperate and be sensitive to your partner. You count on one another to be successful with the shoulder clock.
- Partner Pull – Remember to be both gentle and strong for your partner. You are a team as you do the partner pull.
- Tree – As we hold this balance pose, stay strong and focused. Imagine the people in your community who help you to stay strong and supported.
- Tree Circle – Remember that your neighbors are here to support you and that you can also support them. When you are centered, you help others to be centered.
- Back Drawing