Instructor: Marnie Marmet
Community: Grades 5 – 7, 30-40 minutes
Plan Creation Date: November 1, 2015
Yoga Calm Principle/Lesson Goal: Grounding
Lesson Plan:
- Hoberman Sphere and Pulse Count – Belly breathing with the Hoberman Sphere. Pulse count, 1 minute. Have a leader come up to use the sphere and count the breaths. (5-7 min) Let students compliment the leader.
- Upward Mountain and Crescent Moon – Guide the exercises and tell the kids to imagine laser beams shooting out through their fingertips.
- Warrior One Pose – In this pose once again focus on sending lasers from your belly out through your fingers.
- Star Pose – Spread fingers like rays of sun. Have students think of something they would like to share with the world and shine it out like the sun.
- Warrior 2 Pose – Focus on holding the pose for 10 seconds to help the body feel grounded and slowly start explaining the next portion below.
- Past, Present and Future – Have students come into Warrior II again and explain how the hands represent the past and future. Talk about staying grounded in the middle. Once the physical part is complete, have students fill out the Past, Present and future worksheet and share the results with the class. (15 min)
- Floor Twist
- Progressive Relaxation – going through feet, legs, belly, back, arms, hands, head, face etc…and then ending with deep breaths and asking about feeling balanced and grounded in the body.