Instructor: Robin Hicks
Community: Grades 4-6, Skills group, School Setting, 30 minutes
Plan Creation Date: June 28, 2013
Yoga Calm Principle/Lesson Goal: Strength
Academic/Therapeutic/Other Goals: warming group up after a long school day
Props/Music/Resources required: Chairs, breathing ball, chime, positive affirmations
Create tone in the room: Having a lot of positive affirmations all over the room so student can view them
Lesson Plan:
- Chime – I will start the group with a chime exercise then we will do breathing exercises after that
- Belly Breathing
- Discussion – Have students give example of strength and what having strength means to them. Explain that doing Yoga does take some strength but you should not push the body further than it wants to go when doing poses. Letting students know that strength is not just about muscle power. Also Informing students that your strength effects the ways you think and how you feel about your-self and others.
- Compliments – Give each kid a complement and then have them complement someone else. Don’t rush this activity because for some kids it is harder to say nice things.
- Introduce the theme & activity – Give the students examples of Physical strength and how it prevents injury. Explain that emotional strength develops the ability to feel, identify and express feelings without harming others. Last but not least explain to students that mental strength is just as important because it helps us to respect boundaries of other and helps us with positive self talk.
- Mountain – Stand with legs hip-width apart, as in the mountain pose.
- Upward Mountain – Inhale and rise and strengthen arms overhead, keeping arms parallel with palms facing each other, as in upward mountain.
- Forward Bend
- Chair – Exhale bend knee, a take thighs back as if were sitting in a imaginary chair. Point feet straight ahead and press down to the four corners of your foot. Lift the belly head, and heart. Feel your strength.
- Tree
- Tree Circle
- Belly Breathing – get group back together seated in their chairs ready to relax with the breathing ball.