Instructor: Stephanie Swift
Community: Grades 4 – 6?, Classroom Setting – Music Room? – After School Enrichment
Plan Creation Date: April 27, 2013
Yoga Calm Principle/Lesson Goal: Grounding
Lesson Plan:
Props/Music Resources required: Anjali CD and CD player; Drum
- Belly Breathing – with Hoberman – sitting “like kings and queens”; read a Grounding card; Student led 1 minute
- Mountain – “Imagine you have roots growing into the ground. Place all 4 corners of your feet firmly on the ground. Feel the energy moving from your roots up through your body and up to the sky.”
- Pulse Count
- Wood Chopper – “stand firmly; use your strong voice from the deepest part of your belly.” Student led 2 minutes
- Pulse Count
- Arm Swings – 1 minute
- Shoulder Clock – “breath into upper chest and spread your fingers” 4 minutes
- Mat 20 – from Mountain to Mountain – student led 10 minutes
- Eagle – “Imagine your eagle tallons holding firmly onto a branch before flight.”
- Eagle on Cliff – 5 minutes
- Forward Bend – 30 seconds
- Cat/Cow – “come to all fours; firmly plant hands and knees into the mat.” 30 seconds
- Child – “relax your neck, hips, and back. Allow your head to be heavy.” 30 seconds
- Twist – 1 minute
- Relaxation – “Imagine laying on the sand at the beach on a warm, sunny day. Imagine you and your friend are burying each other with sand…feel the weight of the sand.” 10 minutes