Instructor:  Greg Sicheneder

Community: Grades 4-5, EBD center based classroom with 4-6 students, 30-40 minutes

Plan Creation Date: October 1, 2012

Yoga Calm Principle/Lesson Goal: Community

Preparation: quiet music in the background and a box of multicolored rocks.

Lesson Plan:

Introduction: Students are reminded of the rules and use of the mats.


  • Volcano Breath – Students start out with volcano breathing as the think of someone who as supported them in the past. They are then asked to sit on their mats while each chooses a rock that symbolizes this person.  10 minutes


  • Tree – focus on the rock and the things that the person in your past did for you. Notice how they help you keep you balance and keep on track.
  • Tree Circle – Notice how it can be easier when we all support each other and the persons in our past support all of us by supporting each of us separately.
  • Warrior II – while they hold the stone in their back hand. What has this person given to you as you move into the future? How are they proud of you? What is one thing they help you do well?  10 minutes


  • Circle writing – Past, Present and Future Worksheet.
  • Sharing – Who the person is and what they have given us to take into the future? Who in history has used past challenges to help others in their future?  10 – 20 minutes


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