Instructor: Kim Davies
Community: Grades 3 – 5, After School Group, Girls group
Plan Creation Date: December 5, 2013
Yoga Calm Principle/Lesson Goal: Stillness
Lesson Plan:
Goals: To help kids become aware of the importance and use of stillness in our lives
Props/Music Resources required: Mats, Hoberman Sphere, drum, MP3 player, Ready… Set… R.E.L.A.X.
- Belly Breathing – Student leads between 5 and 10 breaths with the Hoberman Sphere. Kids give 2 compliments, while the leader gives a compliment to the drummer.
- Pulse Count – Challenge to increase counting for 1 minute, focused on Stillness.
- Volcano Breath – Kids tune in to the stillness of their bodies and listen to whom they could send heart thoughts too.
- Rock-n-Roll
- Boat – See how still we can hold the boat as the waves are coming. Waves can be challenges in our lives and by holding still we can help weather the storm.
- Sun Salutation – 2 Students take turns leading Sun Salutation. First leader gets to drum next. Compliments are given to the leaders and the leader compliments the drummer. Focus on stillness in downward dog, plank, chair, and warrior poses.
- Tree – Stand in stillness, notice how your mind and body need to focus and you have to be in the present moment.
- Tree circle – Remain quiet and still while the forest creatures of the night try to distract you.
- Warrior Pose Challenge – Call on a student to decide how long we should hold the challenge. When does a warrior need to practice stillness?
Social Emotional Activity
- Trust Walk – Students develop sensitivity to another child’s feelings by looking at their face as they quietly lead their closed eyed partners safely around the room. The follower guesses who led them around the room. Then the guide becomes the follower with a different leader.
- Before story lie on your back and be still for 30 seconds.
- Relaxation – A walk in the Rain Pg. 108 What do you notice in the story while you are relaxing and being still? How can practicing stillness help you to remember what you have learned?