Instructor: Pamela Storry
Community: Grades 3-4, Special Ed, School Setting, 30 minutes
Plan Creation Date: April 7, 2016
Yoga Calm Principle/Lesson Goal: Community
Lesson Plan:
- Environment: Welcoming, Music: Song “Home” by Phillip Phillips :A story of hope and encouragement from one friend to another/American Idol/Used during summer Olympic games in London.
- I CAN feel supported by my community even when I am away from home.
- Sharing – Share some of the more significant words to song “Home.” Know your not alone, I’m going to make this place your home, (help you feel supported and a part of a community even when you are not at home).
- Volcano Breath (deep breath through nose, expand lungs)
- One Minute Exploration – think about something, an item at home that helps you feel comfortable and safe (ex. blanket, stuffed animal, favorite pillow, pajamas).
- Mountain
- Tree
- Tree Challenge – use balance, find support from your partner, similar to getting support from your community at school and at home.
- Rooftops (Yoga Pretzels) – partner pose/ Look into your house, who or what do you see in your house that supports you, who or what comforts you?
- Community Circle – pass the squeeze/sharing
- Child’s Pose
- Mindful Moments Card /Community