Instructor: Rebecca Andestic
Community: Grades 2-5, EDL Afterschool Program, 60 minutes
Plan Creation Date: January 1, 2014
Yoga Calm Principle/Lesson Goal: Strength
Props/Music Resources Required: chime, sphere, Yoga Calm Book, paper (or strong voice worksheet) and pencils
Lesson Plan:
- Hoberman Sphere (student led)
- Cat/Cow
- Alternate Arm and Leg Kicks – strong arms and legs, activate (look down if easier to balance, try to hold steady). 3x each side.
- Yoga Flow – Up Mountain—Forward Bend—Plank to low plank—Cobra (great for strengthening lower back which is the base and center of your body)—Down Dog – Step up and rise slow to Mountain. Repeat 2x
- Standing Flow – Mountain—Chair—Warrior I—Warrior II(strong warriors! Activate those arms and legs, reach across the room)—Side Angle Pose—Star (shine bright stars!)—Side Angle Pose—Warrior II—Warrior I—Chair—Mountain. Arm Swings to Release tension. Repeat 2 x
- Superman (woman) – be a strong super hero. Straight/strong arms and legs;
- Bow
- Bridge – strong solid bridge!
- Harassment Prevention (pg. 117)
- Strong Voice (pg. 122) – Teacher asks questions and students listen then fill out answers to questions on worksheet. Share answers.
- Chime – have student ring to bring everyone back to center.
- Belly Breathing
- Pulse count
- Relaxation – Happiness Recipe questions: students simply think of answers in their heads, no writing. Then share answers as part of discussion.
- Extension – Have students bring happiness recipe questions home to interview someone. Bring back their answers to share next time.