Instructor: Jocelyn Van Hee

Community: Grades 2-3, School Setting, 30 minutes

Plan Creation Date: January 22, 2015

Yoga Calm Principle/Lesson Goal: Stillness

Lesson Plan:


  • Intro – Opening Discussion: When is it nice to be still? When can it be hard to sit still? Why is it good for our bodies to be still sometimes?
  • Read Story – “A Boy and a Bear”, by Lori Lite. As story is read a loud have children act out what is happening in the book. Pretend that you are walking through snow and your feet are very heavy. Act out Belly Breathing like in the story.


Have student led, followed by a compliment:

  • Mountain – Feel how large and solid a mountain can be with your feet grounded to the earth. Feel the quiet and stillness at the top of a tall mountain.
  • Upward Mountain to Crescent Moon – Pretend to be in outer space and pretend to experience what it might be like to see and feel on the moon. Imagine what kind of stillness would feel like on the moon. Reach high into the sky expanding your arms. Reach to one side still reaching tall with both arms.
  • Downward dog to Lunge – Repeat both sides. How still can you hold your lunge? How quietly can you move from one pose to the other? Stretch out from the four corners of your hands and feet. Feel strong in your core and your legs.
  • Boat – Paddle your boat down a peaceful river. Hear all the sounds of nature. Let’s see how still we can hold this pose to hear the birds and other wildlife along the river. Keep your head held high and feel your core staying strong and still.


  • Relaxation Script – Choose your favorite peaceful place in nature and imagine meeting a special animal friend there. What does this place look like? Experience the sounds and look around at all you see in this special place. What kind of animal has met you here? This animal is a wise friend who can help you with a problem you may have. If you have one, share it with the animal. He will listen and give you an answer to your problem. What does the animal share with you? Take a moment to relax and enjoy this beautiful place.

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