Instructor: MaryClair Birkemeir
Community: PE Setting, Grades 1-5
Plan Creation Date: January 12, 2009
Yoga Calm Principle/Lesson Goal: Strength
Lesson Plan:
- Belly Breathing – With Hoberman sphere. However many breaths student who leads would like to do. 1 student leads breath while the other counts. Complements afterwards.
- Arm Swings – Add positive self-talk and imagine the muscles in the shoulders relaxing and energizing with the each swing.
- Cat/Cow – Imagine a cat you’ve seen hunch itself up and then really get into that cow! Dog chasing it’s tail- make big side bends by looking over shoulder toward one hip and then the other.
- Bow – rock forward and back like a cradle
- Bridge – Drawbridge imagery: Exhale as you lift the bridge up. As you hold the pose and continue to breath, let imaginary boats go under the bridge. Exhale as you lower the bridge.
- Sun Salutation – Led by student. Talk them through each pose from the back of the room.
- Pulse count – 30 second pulse count and then share numbers
- Relaxation story – watch a big strong bridge turn from letting cars pass over it, to a tall boat go under and work in 5 things students choose to see.