Instructor:  Katelyn Liebe

Community: Grade 8, Girls Group, School Setting

Plan Creation Date: April 1, 2014

Yoga Calm Principle/Lesson Goal: Community

Academic/Therapeutic/Other Goals: Developing a sense of community and respect for peers.

Lesson Plan:


  • Volcano Breath – students choose how many breaths to take; one student leads breathing; one student counts the breaths
  • Compliments – students compliment both the leader and the counter.
  • Shoulder Clock – students turn to neighbor and participate in shoulder clock on both sides. Students are encouraged to close their eyes and focus on the feeling of moving and breathing with another person – beginning to emphasize community.


  • Activate/Relax Walk – Engage in activate/relax walk for 2 rounds with teacher giving out instructions on how to walk, then ask for 2 student volunteers to choose how to walk at the end.
  • Arm Swings – Add positive self-talk, like, “I am a good friend, I am in control, I am loved”
  • Partner Pull – emphasize the importance of cooperation and community in this activity.
  • Tree Challenge I – Encourage one student to try to distract one student in tree pose. Have a discussion afterwards about community and how it felt to be distracted like that.
  • Tree Circle – Ask students to think about how different tree pose is with the support of one’s community and without the distraction of Tree Challenge.


  • Back Breathing – Encourage students to be respectful and gentle with their partner. Encourage students to breath in tandem with their partners and then switch.
  • Relaxation – Final resting pose – You are a member of your class, your school, your neighborhood, your city, your state, your nation, and your world. Feel the connection that exists between you and every other person around you. Think of one person in particular that you feel connected to and send that person a heart thought.

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