Instructor: Katie Kenefick

Community: Grade 5, Classroom Setting

Plan Creation Date: February 25, 2013

Yoga Calm Principle/Lesson Goal: Listening

Lesson Plan:


  • Centering with Chime – Treat yourself like a King or Queen – sit up nice and tall and put your feet on the ground. I’m going to ring the chime and when you can no longer hear it ringing, please give me a thumbs up.  Belly Breathing with Hoberman Sphere for 10 breaths
  • Invite a student leader to come and lead breathing in front of class
  • Compliments for the student leader
  • Pulse Count – Tip your head to the side take two fingers at the side of your mouth and trace them back to the groove in your neck. Count your pulse for 15 seconds. Listen to space in-between the beats. Ask students to share pulse counts.


  • Volcano Breath – Bring hands to heart and listen to what your body is telling you today. How are you feeling? What do you notice? Send out heart-felt thoughts with Volcano Breath.
  • Mountain – Stand still and strong in your Mountain, feel the four corners of your feet rooted to the earth. Say to yourself, “I am listening to what my body needs.” Think about how you nourish your body – what kinds of things do you take in from your environment throughout the day that are helpful and healthy? What about harmful?
  • Upward Mountain – Lift your arms strong above your head. Shine your heart.
  • Forward Bend with Chest Expansion – Interlace fingers behind your back, lift your heart and lead with your heart as you fold your body. Listen to your body.  Release your hands and hang like a rag doll, grabbing opposite elbows with hands. Bring your hands to your hips, draw your elbows back and inhale, as you rise to standing.
  • Bent Knee Lunge Left – Right leg back, left knee forward, bent at a 90-degree angle, knee aligned with ankle.
  • Downward Dog – Plant your hands, tuck your toes and send your tail to the sky, come into Downward Dog.
  • Plank – Press down through the four corners of each hand. Lift legs, hips, belly and head until you are as straight and strong as a diving board.  Lower down onto your belly with the tops of your feet on the floor and legs close together.
  • Cobra – Place palms flat on the floor, under your shoulders. Press into the four corners of your hands with fingers pointing straight ahead. Shoulders are back and down, elbows close to the body, “hiss” like snake.
  • Downward Dog – Tuck your toes and send your tail to the sky, come into Downward Dog.
  • Bent Knee Lunge Right – Step your right leg forward and bend your right knee 90-degrees, left leg is back, bent on the ground.
  • Forward Bend – Step your feet together and fold your body like a wave, listening to what it is telling you. How are you feeling? Bring your hands to your hips, draw your elbows back and inhale, as you rise to standing. Stand strong in your Mountain.
  • Chair – Inhale, raise and straighten arms overhead, keeping arms parallel to one another. Exhale, bend your knees as if you’re sitting in an imaginary chair. Lift your head, belly, and heart – feel the strength in your body. Breathe in, press down through your feet and reach up to the sky while you straighten your legs.
  • Upward Mountain – Lift your arms strong above your head. Shine your heart.
  • Mountain – Stand still and strong in your Mountain, feel the four corners of your feet rooted to the earth. Say to yourself, “I am listening to what my body needs.”


  • Back Drawing – Stand in a close circle, turn facing right and then take a seat. – Gently make rain on the back of the person in front of you after placing your hands on their back. – Next, make thunder by gently tapping their back. – Lightening! Draw bolts of lightening across their back. – Big puffy rain clouds sweep away and a beautiful rainbow, sun, or happy face comes out!
  • Warm their back with your hands and listen to your heart – what does your friend need to keep them safe and protected? Give your friend that beautiful gift by drawing it on their back after the rain has washed away.
  • Relaxation – read Mindful Moment Card on Listening – “Your body can help tell you what it needs to stay healthy and safe. Listen to your body and think of three things that help you stay healthy and protected.”

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