Instructor:  Stephanie Swift

Community: Grade 2, Classroom Setting

Plan Creation Date: May 1, 2013

Yoga Calm Principle/Lesson Goal: Strength

Lesson Plan:

Academic/ Therapeutic/Other Goals: Review and give strength from previous safety lesson

Props/ Music/ Lights: Music, CD player, lights dimmed.

Intro: Review last lesson – What did we learn last time I came to visit?


  • Belly Breathing – with Hoberman Sphere: 7 -8 Breaths – Classroom leader (student) will lead and choose a counter. Choose student leader in front of room model (after completion student leader/counter will receive two complements, student may choose to call on classmates).
  • 4-5 Volcano Breaths – Classroom leader (student) will lead and choose # of breaths (after completion student leader will receive two complements, student may choose to call on classmates).
  • Strong Voice Worksheet and Activity – Ask students to close their eyes put their heads down on the desk. Have students take a few breaths 2-3, and turn their focus to what’s happening inside their bodies. “How are they feeling? Does anybody part want to tell you something? Take a moment to listen and honor how you feel and give care to your bodies.” Slowly read sentences aloud from the strong voice worksheet. Can you find the strong voice inside of you? Where do you feel the strong voice in your body? Is the voice high or low? Is the voice loud or soft? Does the voice make you think of someone? What does the voice say? What can you do to find your strong voice when you are angry or afraid? When do you need your strong voice? After reading all the above statements, ask students to open their eyes, lift their heads and silently fill out the worksheet with the same questions listed. Ask if a few students would be willing to share their answers.


  • Warrior 1 – “Are warriors strong? Let’s all be warriors. Lift your hands above your head straight towards the sun. Make your hands laser beams and shoot them towards the sun. Activate your body as you shoot your lasers from your fingers.” Get student leader for front of the classroom (after completion student leader will receive two complements, student may choose to call on classmates).
  • Wood Chopper – Teach and practice the Wood Chopper pose. Practice our serious/ strong voice. As we lift our hands we will say “I will say” and as we chop we will say “No!” Practicing our strong voice. “What does it look like to have a strong voice?” Model some options. Have student do the wood chopper 5-6 times. Practicing being strong and saying “I will say NO!” Review safety lesson rules and why it is important to be strong and know how to say no.


  • Relaxation – Get Away/ Mini Vacation – Read, “Get Away” on Page 134 of Ready Set Relax Book. Modified reading of story if I choose.
  • Eyes closed, heads on desk, listen to the quiet music, lights down
  • Ask students to share about get away if they would be willing.


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