Instructor: Amy Stringer
Community: Grade 1, School Setting, 30 minutes
Plan Creation Date: April 28, 2016
Yoga Calm Principle/Lesson Goal: Listening
Lesson Plan:
- Procedures – remind students when they come in to find a mat and sit criss-cross.
- Review last week’s community focus.
- Briefly introduce today’s focus: Listening.
- Belly Breathing – with Hoberman Sphere: Model process of breathing with sphere. Cue to pull string from top of head to sit up tall. Ask student to hold sphere. Ask another student to count 5 or 7 breaths as we breathe.
- Compliments – Community: Have students give compliments for volunteers.
- Pulse Count – Show students where to place two fingers next to mouth and slide down. Count pulse for 15 seconds. Share & discuss results.
- Boat – Cue to lift chest. Hold in boat while rowing and sing “Row, row, row your boat”.
- Rock & Roll
- Mountain – Cue all four corners of the feet. Imagery: Imagine you are a strong, tall mountain, standing tall like Broken Top Mountain. You are unshakable. You are covered with strong rocks and a dusting of snow. Small animals scurry about. A gentle breeze blows. Listening: Cue students: what kinds of sounds might you hear?
- Plank
- Cobra
- Down Dog
- Sun Salutation Sequence – do twice per side. Model first time, then choose student leaders for subsequent salutations. Community: After each sequence, have students compliment leaders
- Warrior 1
- Forward Fold
- Chair
- Forward Fold
- Warrior 1
- Plank
- Cobra
- Down Dog
- Crescent Pose – Listening: cue to listen to sounds. Curriculum tie-in: talk about moon phase (students studying the sky).
- Yes/No Game – Listening: students listen and observe to give feedback/receive feedback.
- Twist
- Belly Breathing
- Relaxation – Community: Ready, Set, Relax: Read relaxation story: Sky theme to relate to curriculum.