Instructor: Naomi Leong
Community: Elementary Ages, School Setting, 30-45 minutes
Plan Creation Date: July 17, 2015
Yoga Calm Principle/Lesson Goal: Listening
Lesson Plan:
- Belly Breathing – while sitting on mat with Hoberman Sphere. Instructor leads with student counter for 5 breaths, then student leads with counter.
- Pulse Count
- Mountain (Take a moment to listen to yourself and your heart. What is it telling you? Now pay attention to your body. What is your body telling you?)
- Roots
- Tree
- Sun Salutation Flow:
- Mountain, Upward Mountain, Forward Bend, Bent Knee Lunge (right leg back), Plank, Cobra, Downward Dog, Bent Knee Lunge (left leg back, Forward Bend, Chair, Upward Mountain, Mountain
- Rock and Roll/Boat – Repeat with student leading. Compliments to student leader.
- Boat Challenge
- Strong Voice Activity
- Volcano Breath (On exhale, think of sending your strong voice out into the world)
- Pulse Count
- Child’ s Pose
- One-Minute Relaxation – Read Listening Card “Remember a time when someone said
something very kind about you. Can you hear those words right now: Who was that person? Can you remember three good things people have said about you?” Share and discuss.