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Instructor: Dori King
Community: Elementary Ages, Classroom Setting, 30 minutes
Plan Creation Date: November, 2014
Yoga Calm Principle/Lesson Goal: Listening
Lesson Plan:
- Belly Breathing – with the Hoberman Sphere – Teacher has previously modeled. One student leads with the Sphere and one student counts. Afterwards students offer compliments.
- Pulse Count – Count pulse for 15 seconds. Have student remember the number. Repeat and ask students to raise a thumb if their number is lower. Discuss how the breath can help us.
- Yoga Flow – Simple Primary Flow 2: cat/cow, rock and roll, boat, bridge, mountain, up mountain, forward fold, bent knee lunge, mountain, up mountain, forward fold, bent knee lunge, mountain, warrior II on each side.
- Twist
- Relaxation – Close your eyes and listen to the room. What do you hear? What do you feel? As you breathe in and out listen to your breath. (pause for a minute and allow students to feel their breath). As you breathe in and out begin listening to your hear. What message does your heart have for you today? Is it a message to take care of yourself? Is it a message to care for others? Is it a message that says how you feel today? Hold onto your heart message. As we come back into our bodies and breathe wiggle your toes and fingers. Sit up. Give your self a few moments and go to your desk to draw your heart message. You don’t have to share it with anyone. It is for you. So once you draw it you can fold it and put it in your pocket to keep with you today.