Instructor: Ginger Skille
Community: Anxiety Group, School Setting, 30 minutes
Plan Creation Date: April 1, 2016
Yoga Calm Principle/Lesson Goal: Listening
Lesson Plan:
- Belly Breathing – with the Hoberman Sphere: Begin by sitting tall with your shoulders back, chin up. Imagine you have a string that pulls you up tall.
- Ring Chime – Listen: Raise your hand when you do not hear the sound of the chime anymore.
- Mountain – Listen to the sounds you might hear on a mountain, echoes of your voice, a waterfall, or birds.
- Upward Mountain, Crescent Moon – Continue to listen, what do you hear?
- Tree Pose – both sides: Listen to your body, fix your eyes on one thing, & begin to focus.
- Eagle Pose – both sides: Find your focus (focus on you, your ideas and confidence self) here and give yourself permission to try again if you become off balance). Worries can cause you to loose your focus, practice coming back to your focus.
- Wood Chopper – Take the worried you, release the worry through each wood chop. Listen to your body, bend your knees each on each chop.
- Child’s Pose – Connect your body to the earth, including your head (with your fists) or arms
- Sit Criss Cross – Focus your ears and your eyes and your mind on the story.
- Relaxation – Read “You’re Here for a Reason” by Nancy Tillman
- Ring Chime – Listen: Raise your hand when you do not hear the sound of the chime anymore.