Instructor: Ginger Skille
Community: Anxiety Group, School Setting, 30 minutes
Plan Creation Date: April 1, 2016
Yoga Calm Principle/Lesson Goal: Community
Lesson Plan:
- Belly Breathing – with the Hoberman Sphere: Begin by sitting tall with your shoulders back, chin up. Think about your teacher, your friends, your classmates, & your parents, and all the things they have done to help you this week. How have you helped them? They are all in our community.
- Ring Chime – Listen: Raise your hand when you do not hear the sound of the chime anymore. At the end of the chime for a circle.
- Mountain – Listen to the sounds you might hear on a mountain, echoes of your voice, a waterfall, or birds.
- Upward Mountain, Crescent Moon – Continue to listen, imagine what do you hear?
- Tree Pose – Trees are strong, each year adding another layer of strength.
- Tree Pose in a Circle – while in tree pose use your hands to help each other hold your balance. – team work, working together, supporting each other, this is a community. With this, we can do accomplish more, do more and BE more-trustworthy, open, humble & Unique.
- Twist – Sit on your mat-batter bowl and then twist to each side.
- Belly Breathing – with the Hoberman Sphere: Begin by sitting tall with your shoulders back, chin up. We will end one compliment about each person in our group, about them or something they have done to help you. Try to be specific. In a community we support each other.
- Ring Chime – Listen: Raise your hand when you do not hear the sound of the chime anymore. At the end of the chime for a circle.