Instructor: Kelly O’Berry
Community: All Grades, Classroom Setting?, 30 minutes
Plan Creation Date: January 14, 2014
Yoga Calm Principle/Lesson Goal: Stillness
Props/Music/Resources Required: Music & CD or IPod player, Chime
Lesson Plan:
- Opening Chime – seated quietly on the mat, give thumbs up when you can no longer hear the chime
- Belly Breathing – with Hoberman Sphere: 10 breaths
- Pulse Count – one minute
- Shoulder Clock – holding still for the count of three at the 12, 3/9, 6.
- Yoga Calm Mat 20 – 1 x holding poses focusing on stillness in each pose
- Back Drawing – draw how you felt when you came to school today; draw how you feel now; draw how you hope the person in front of you is feeling. Draw a message for them and share them quietly.
- Downward Dog to Forward Bend – hold pose for 10-15 seconds then gently walk hands each time to feet for Forward bend between each hold. Notice that length of time you are able to hold yourself still increases.
- Child’s Pose – 30 seconds completely still
- Pulse Count – One minute Pulse count – has your heart beat gone down or up?
- Closing Chime – thumbs up when you can no longer hear-Notice if you hear it longer than at the start of class.