Instructor: Janice Jordan
Community: Ages/Grades?, Therapy for children with Anxiety, Depression, Victims of bullying, small Yoga room, 30-40 minutes
Plan Creation Date: June 15, 2013
Yoga Calm Principle/Lesson Goal: Strength
Lesson Plan:
Class Intention: Giving client’s tools to feel inner strength. Pictures of male and female warriors and Yoga Warrior poses. Small yoga room, lamp light.
- Breath Work – Importance of breathing through the nose
- Volcano Breath – standing
- Pulse taking
- Volcano Breath – Student led volcano breath
- Opening remarks – When I feel strong…
- Yoga-based Activities – working on placement of hands and feet and using words such as activate, hug muscles into bones, feel the strength in arms and legs, feel the warrior inside.
- Woodchopper
- Warrior series
- Chair
- Chair15
- Mountain, Forward Fold, Downward Dog – End with mountain to forward fold to down dog to sitting with head on arms on chair.
- Social Emotional Activities – While children have head down read the Strong Voice questions. Have children write answers and discuss one on one and then with group.
- Relaxation – Student led Volcano breath and head down on chair.
- Use strength card from Mindful Moments – Remember a time when you stood up for yourself or someone else. Where were you and what did you stand up for? Think of the things in your life that are important to you and how you stand up for your beliefs.