Instructor: Lynn Marrs
Community: Ages/Grades?, Setting?
Plan Creation Date: April 1, 2014
Yoga Calm Principle/Lesson Goal: Community
Academic/Therapeutic/Other Goals: To develop a sense of community where the students cooperate with each, work together to solve problems and are supportive of one another. To develop a community in a special needs center-based classroom which harassment and bullying are not practiced nor tolerated by its members. Intended as both an intervention and skill building. Students in this classroom are currently often verbally harassing and bullying each other.
Lesson Plan:
- Belly Breathing – using the Hoberman Sphere for 10 breaths with one student using the sphere and another one counting the breaths. “Sit up nice and tall. Put your feet on the floor and your bottom in your chair. Notice how you are breathing. Now deepen your breathing so your belly gets big on the inhale and small on the exhale. Let’s breathe together following the movement of the sphere for five times.”
- Compliments – Students compliment the leader of the breath activity and the counter of the breaths.
- Pulse Count – Using two fingers on the side of your mouth, trace down to the grove in your neck and find your pulse. Raise your hand when you’ve found your pulse. Count your pulse to yourself…Now we are going to count our pulses for 30 seconds. Start counting when I say “Go” and stop when I say “Stop.” Go—Stop. What was your count?
- Opening Remarks – Today we are going to focus on community. What does community mean? What are some communities you belong to? (family, church, neighborhood, school, classroom, friendships, youth group, sports team, faith-based group, etc.) Why is community important? What groups do you belong to? What does it feel like when you belong? Have you ever felt like you didn’t belong? Like you were being left out or excluded? What was that like? Do you think everyone needs to be part of a community? Why or why not? What are some things we get when we are part of a community? What are some of the problems with being part of a community? Today we are going to learn about some ways we can work together and have fun.
- Mountain – We are going to stand together in a circle close enough to each other that we can touch palms with our elbows bent. Let’s start in Mountain. Plant your feet in the earth, root the four corners of your feet feel the roots grow deep into the ground. Stay strong in your legs, holding your body strong and lift your heart up. Shift your weight to your right leg and plant your right foot solidly on the earth. Lift your left foot into kickstand or on to your calf or thigh into
- Tree – As your stand in tree, reach out to your neighbors on each side of your and press your palms together. Help support each other in Tree. Carefully remove your hands from your neighbors and remain in tree by yourself. Put your foot down and shake it out. Let’s activate our muscles once again and return to
- Mountain – Shift your weight onto your left leg and lift your right foot into kickstand, on your calf or on your thigh into
- Tree – (This time facilitator will have UFO ball) Once again reach out to your neighbors and press your palm against theirs for support. Notice, is it easier or harder when you are supported by your neighbors to stay in Tree? Watch the UFO ball. What happens when someone breaks the connection with their neighbor? The ball will only light up when everyone in the group is connected and working together. Carefully withdraw your hands from your neighbors and return to tree by yourself. Put your foot down and shake it out. Let’s return to
- Mountain – again. This time we will move into
- Eagle – Bend your knees slightly. Lift your left leg off the floor and cross your left knee tightly over your right knee. Hug your foot into your shin or hook the toes of your left foot behind your right calf. Spread your arms like wings and take them overhead. Bend your elbows and hook your left elbow under your right elbow in front of your heart. Point your thumbs toward your nose and grab your right palm with your left hand, or place the backs of your hands together. Lift your elbows up and stretch your fingers toward the sky. Straighten up and send your right leg back as you bend forward with your arms spread out like an eagle. As you balance here, reach out and press your palms against your neighbors. Remove your hands as you return to your lone eagle, stand up and shake it out. We’re going to do the other side now. Bend your knees slightly. Lift your right leg off the floor and cross your right knee tightly over your left knee. Hug your foot into your shin or hook the toes of your right foot behind your left calf. Spread your arms like wings and take them overhead. Bend your elbows and hook your right elbow under your left elbow in front of your heart. Point your thumbs toward your nose and grab your left palm with your right hand, or place the backs of your hands together. Lift your elbows up and stretch your fingers toward the sky. Straighten up and send your left leg back as you bend forward with your arms spread out like an eagle. As you balance here, reach out and press your palms against your neighbors. Remove your hands as you return to your lone eagle, stand up and shake it out.
- Mountain – and notice how strong your body feels and thank it for all that it does for you.
- Compliment Game – Pg. 112 Yoga Calm for Children – Social/Emotional Activity
- Progressive Relaxation – RELAX.calm, pg. 76