Instructor: Marianne Turnbull
Community: Ages/Grades?, Classroom Setting?, 1 hour
Plan Creation Date: January 14, 2014
Yoga Calm Principle/Lesson Goal: Stillness
Goal: To have the children experience stillness in a variety of ways
Lesson Plan:
- Chime
- Belly Breathing
- Intro the topic of Stillness – the ability to quiet ones mind and body. When still you can learn things about yourself, you learn how to control your body and you may discover something new!
- Pulse Count – make sure children can find their pulse.
- Mountain, Warrior and Forward Fold – Expand – encourage the children to find the stillness in each pose.
- Dancer – Featured Pose
- Mat 20 – start with pulse count, encourage children to find the stillness in each pose, end with pulse count. Compare the number.
- Color and Talk – Mandala coloring pictures. While coloring ask children to identify the quiet activities they enjoy doing at home. Encourage down time.
- Guided Relaxation – with legs up the wall. Picture it Tree – Yoga For Children by Lisa Flynn
- Clean up
- Mindful Snack – What are these flavors? Where does it come from? How does it grow? How does it get to St. Paul MN? How many workers were involved?