Instructor: Ryanne Truh
Community: Ages 7-18, Pediatric Inpatient Mental Health Setting, 30-60 minutes
Plan Creation Date: November 1, 2016
Yoga Calm Principle/Lesson Goal: Strength
Lesson Plan:
- Strong Voice Worksheet – Help students identify their strength. Teach students ways in which they can cope with difficult times healthily.
- Woodchopper – Help to release tension and energize the nervous system. USE BEFORE STRONG VOICE WORKSHEET.
- Warrior I – Holding this pose to energize and find strength. Incorporate strong phrases such as “I am strong” and “I am a warrior.”
- Warrior II – Hold this pose while repeating strong phrases or adding new phrases such as “I control my emotions” and “I am in control.”
- Plank – Hold plank pose while stringing together warrior phrases and maybe adding a third one. “I am strong. I am in control. I can do it.”
- Woodchopper – Ending with woodchopper and reminder of the strong voice.
- Relaxation – Progressive Relaxation – Incorporate strong voice concepts.