Instructor: Renee Miller
Community: Ages 6-9, Classroom Setting, 30 minutes
Plan Creation Date: August 25, 2014
Yoga Calm Principle/Lesson Goal: Listening
Academic/Therapeutic/Other Goals: To practice and strengthen our ability listen to our bodies and our hearts. To build an internal guide that promotes life giving choices
Props/Music Resources Required: Hoberman sphere, CD/CD Player
Lesson Plan:
- Belly Breathing – Student led Belly Breathing with Hoberman Sphere: Student chooses a number between 5 and 10. Compliments.
- Pulse Count – for 30 seconds – Two students share their counts.
- Woodchopper – Discuss when Woodchopper might be helpful to our bodies?
- Mountain – Student led Mountain.
- Pulse Count – listen to your heart and see the difference between now and the previous pulse count we did. Compliments for student leader. Two students share their counts.
- Roots – Close your eyes and allow your body to guide you to your center. What does it mean to be centered? How does being centered make the body feel?
- Crescent Moon
- Modified Dancer – using positive self-talk.
- Twist
- Progressive Relaxation – Bring awareness to the different parts of the body.