Instructor: Ryanne Truh
Community: Ages 5-17, Pediatric Inpatient Mental Health Setting, 30-60 minutes
Plan Creation Date: November 1, 2016
Yoga Calm Principle/Lesson Goal: Grounding
Lesson Plan:
- Belly Breathing – Lying on your back, place your hands on your belly. Breathe into your belly and feel your hands rise up and down with each inhale and exhale. Picture your breath like a steady breeze blowing slowly as you exhale.
- Volcano Breath – In a seated position, bring hands together at your heart. With an inhale slowly bring your hands up and over your head. With your exhale slowly “explode the volcano” while you move out to the side and the back in towards your heart.
- Rock and Roll – As you gently rock back and forth, push your back in towards your mat.
- Boat – Sitting on your sits bones, press down through the sits bones as you rise up with your head.
- Mountain – Notice your feet are grounded, firmly and strong. Stand strong and tall like a mountain.
- Forward Bend – Slowly bend at your hips and fold your body in half, letting your back, head and arms flow free like a waterfall.
- Upward Mountain – Notice your feet are grounded, firmly and strong. Stand strong and tall like a mountain. Bring your hands and arms up over head. TOUCHDOWN!!!
- Trees in a Circle – Standing in tree pose, bringing your hands up and out to touch your friends. Notice how your friend/partner supports you.
- Twist – Lying on the mat, bring your knees into your chest and gently let them fall to one side. Notice how grounded you feel and let any tension release from your back.
- Relaxation – Progressive Relaxation.
- Mindful Moment Card – Think of your favorite tree…..