Instructor: Kelsey Lauer

Community: Ages 5-12, Yoga Studio Setting, 60 minutes

Plan Creation Date: August 14, 2016

Yoga Calm Principle/Lesson Goal: Strength

Lesson Plan:


  • Chime – have students give a thumbs up when they no longer hear the sound
  • Belly Breathing – with Hoberman sphere- Have one student lead with another student counting off the selected number of breaths (3rd student picks number of breaths); have students give compliments
  • Volcano Breaths – Practice these breaths to release the worries and bring in the positive, happy thoughts


  • Yoga Flow – cat/cow, one arm/one leg extensions, downward dog, forward fold, mountain, forward fold, downward dog, plank, cobra, crescent lunge (both sides), mountain, chair, boat, rock and roll, one leg balance, tree, line tree, dancer; instruct students to expand during one arm/leg extensions and to activate hands and place them into the Earth during downward dog and plank, remind students to breathe deep when balancing in tree and dancer and to find strength in their feet and legs as they stand tall and strong
  • Mat Tag


  • Bridge – (hold for a long time)- instruct students to breathe deep in their bellies and to feel the strength in their feet/legs and shoulders
  • Volcano Breath – Practice these breaths to release the worries and bring in the positive, happy thoughts
  • Belly Breathing – with Hoberman sphere- switch what students count/demonstrate/pick number
  • Relaxation – Legs up the wall- this final pose to allow students to relax and let their bodies find calm

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