Instructor:  Anya Patton

Community: Ages 14-16, Adolescent Girls Counseling Group, 50-60 minutes

Plan Creation Date: May 15, 2013

Yoga Calm Principle/Lesson Goal: Strength

Academic/Therapeutic/Other Goals: Assertiveness Training

Props/Music Resources required: Hoberman sphere, Drum, Strong Voice Worksheet and Harassment steps, poem on women and strength, and music/ipod

Lesson Plan:


  • Belly Breathing – with Hoberman Sphere and Drum – I need 2 volunteers to lead the group in breathing today. As we breathe with the drum, imagine your core, your stomach and your heart center as a strong trunk, rooting straight down into the earth.
  • Pulse Count – Sit up strong, allow our shoulders to relax, and find your pulse. Count out the beats for 15 seconds.


  • Wood Chopper – Everyone stand strong at the top of your mat, with your shoulders hip width apart and grab a hold of your ax. Bring it overhead and imagine a piece of solid wood in front of you. As you come down, out loud say “HU”. Lets do this 3 times.
  • Strong Voice – Now, lie back down and listen as I ask aloud several questions about your strong voice. Each of you will have a chance to write down your answers and share them after wards. Bring in the idea of being a strong, assertive girl and holding her power in her words and action. A strong voice becomes stronger with practice.
  • Harassment Prevention – Play around with double messaging with role playing and then go over each step, including I-statements
  • Wood Chopper – Lets try Wood Chopper again and see if we have strengthened our strong voice already!


  • Poem
  • Guided Relaxation

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