Instructor: David Williams
Community: Adolescent Ages, Home or Yoga Studio Setting, 60 minutes
Plan Creation Date: August 9, 2015
Yoga Calm Principle/Lesson Goal: Grounding
Lesson Plan:
- Belly Breathing – feeling the weight of the body, make legs heavy and feel the connection the body has to the ground. Have student lead and determine length with number of breaths.
- Forward Bend and One-Minute Exploration – imagine gravity and how it holds everything to the earth, things that are in the air eventually must return to the ground, etc.
- Roots – imagine being rooted into the ground like a tree. Use props to help – tree branches.
- Mat 20 – with focus on grounding, have a student lead poses.
- Star, Galaxy, Tree Circle and Challenge – feel how your partner’s support helps you to root your foot to the earth.
- Twist Pose – on floor for relaxation.
- Back Breathing – imagination story about favorite tree, planting it and seeing it grow.