Instructor:  Lindsey Chenevert

Community: 10-14 year old males, Residential Treatment Center, 45-60 minutes

Plan Creation Date: July 7, 2013

Yoga Calm Principle/Lesson Goal: Listening

Props/Music Resources Required: Music-Anjali, CD Player, Happiness Recipe Handouts, Pencils

Lesson Plan:


  • Belly Breathing – with Hoberman Sphere: One youth leads breathing with Hoberman Sphere while another youth chooses number of breaths and counts, Close your eyes and begin to listen to the sounds around you, Notice the noises you may hear and then begin to focus on the sound of your own breath as you inhale and exhale
  • Pulse Count – Find your pulse and focus on what the sound of each beat pretending each beat is a boom of thunder, Listen for 15 beats or “booms of thunder”


  • Volcano Breath – Repeat 3 times and on each exhale sprinkle happiness and joy down on to those you hold closest to your hearts
  • Roots – Activate your whole body as you purposely circle your body right to left listening to the inner strength you are possessing
  • Upward Mountain – Stand tall like a tree with your heart open to the sky
  • Mat Flow Routine—Mountain to Mountain – Focus on bowing into yourself during forward folds
  • Archetype Game – After each archetype freeze into Goddess pose and listening for the next archetype to be called
  • Sharing – At the end have each youth share which archetype was their favorite and how we use different archetypes in our own lives


  • Belly Breathing – Take 5 breaths and notice if there is any change in your breathing compared to the start of class
  • Happiness Recipe Handout – Direct your focus inward, really listening to your heart, body, and mind
  • Sharing – Allow each youth to share their happiness recipe and offer group discussion on similarities and differences among each youth


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