Instructor: Lindsey Chenevert
Community: 10-14 year old males, Residential Treatment Center, 45-60 minutes
Plan Creation Date: July 7, 2013
Yoga Calm Principle/Lesson Goal: Community
Props/Music Resources Required: Music – Anjali, CD Player, Community Circle Handouts, Pencils, Good People Everywhere Book
Lesson Plan:
- Belly Breathing – One youth chosen to lead breaths with Hoberman Sphere and another youth chosen to count off each breath (youth counting decides how many breaths to take)
- Community Circle Handout – Who are the people in your life that support you? How are you helped each day by the people closest to you as well as those who may help you at the store, on the bus, or in school
- Sharing – Allow each youth to share their supporters
- Mat Tag – The youth chosen to be “It” says slow, fast, or a specific pose to have everyone else “freeze” in throughout the game
- Tree Challenge I – Picture a person in your life that shows you support–how does thinking of them help you activate your muscles and keep them strong and balanced while your partner tries to distract you
- Tree Challenge II – Again, think of the people who give you support in your life–how does focusing on them help you focus
- Tree Circle – Notice how the people next to you offer support and keep the circle together–supporting one another is what helps keep communities together
- Tree Pose – Now that you’ve felt the support of those around you by helping you stay stable, try Tree Pose on your own, continuing to focus on how community support helps you to become more confident in yourself to do and try more
- Read Good People Everywhere – Who are the good people in your community?
- Create a “Good Person” Award
- Compliment Circle – Allow each youth to be given compliments